Boom StudiosComicsReviews

Brave Chef Brianna #1 Review

Brave Chef Brianna #1 Review

Written by Sam Sykes

Illustrated by Selina Espiritu

Coloured by Sarah Stern

Lettered by Jim Campbell

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

This book is what would happen if a human chef set up shop in Monsters Inc.  – and it is glorious. Brianna’s father has three years to live and he has decided that he will leave his food empire to his child, who then sets up the most successful restaurant. There are rules, like only one sibling per city, and Brianna, a girl who has just come out of culinary school, of course chooses to set up shop in Monster City.

Sykes injects so much charm and character into this comic that you can’t help but want Brianna and her new friend Suzan (a bird-person hybrid with wings  – I mean, come on! ) to succeed.  This story plays out perfectly so both kids and adults can enjoy this miniseries. Yes, it is a story you have seen before – a person trying to strike out on their own and succeed- but Brianna’s determination, mixed with the problems she has when moving cities, such as telling others you are fine but having that voice in your head saying you’re lying, as on your first day everything imploded, makes this story unique and well worth a read.

Espiritu’s art is reminiscent of Brittany Williams art style but slightly more simplistic and this is exactly what is needed in a fun, quirky book about a girl trying to set up a restaurant in a weird new city. My personal favourite moment is when the doves descend from the heavens whenever someone eats one of Brianna’s burgers. I mean, if that is not a seal of approval, I don’t know what is.

Sykes ends this issue with setting up a threat for the remaining three issues in this miniseries and I can’t wait for the next installment of charming, quirky cooking from Sykes and team.


Buy.  Boom has done it again. This series is stuffed with great character, fun and wonderful art. What more could you ask for, apart from a bird- person hybrid called Suzan?

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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