
Deadpool the Duck #1 Review

Deadpool the Duck #1

Words: Stuart Moore

Pictures: Jacopo Camagni

Colors: Israel Silva

Letters: VC’s Joe Sabino

Review by Nathan Ryan (@Clown_Prince52)

This issue of Deadpool The Duck #1 is the first in a five part series, and if the first issue is any indication it is going to be a wild and zany ride. We start with Deadpool scoping out a new safe house with yet another unqualified SHIELD agent watching over him. These opening pages are mostly Deadpool primer filled with Meta banter. However, we are also introduced to Deadpool’s imaginary spirit animal in his head, which of course is Wolverine. Every time that spirit animal Wolverine is shown giving Deadpool advice, about mortgages, contractdduck-coverors, etc. it is pure gold.

Eventually the Shield agent, Agent Mary, convinces Deadpool to go scope out an extraterrestrial target. In order to get there, he busts out an old teleporter. We then get our first intro to Howard, who is in the middle of nowhere driving a clunker of a car escaping the world. As zany as the humor was in the first Deadpool pages, we get a similar but altogether different vibe from Howard. He is sarcastic, dry, pessimistic, and has a fear/hate of people. The personality combination between these two characters is going to be fun to read.

After getting our quick intros to both of our characters, we see where the conflict starts to come in. It happens to come in the form of a rabid Rocket Raccoon. It’s shortly after his arrival that Deadpool arrives on scene and hilarious battle ensues.

I am going to avoid diving too deep into spoiler territory. However, I will mention that the title of the book is not Deadpool and Howard the Duck. It is Deadpool the Duck. It’s safe to say that something happens in the final pages to make that a reality.

If you are a fan of either of these characters, this is a must own. This is easily too out there for some people, but it’s rare to get through a page without having something put a smile on your face. The flow was great, and so was the setup. It was wily entertaining from the jump and was consistently beautiful to look at.

Verdict: BUY!! With DC books mostly at $2.99, the $3.99 price tag is harder to swallow and recommend. However, it isn’t here. You get both classic Deadpool and Howard the Duck. Additionally you get Wolverine as Deadpool’s spirit animal and a rabid Rocket Raccoon. What more do you need?

Nathan has been a passionate comics fan from an early age, with a special affinity towards Batman. A combination of career and young family caused the hobby to fade into the ether for a longer period of time than he would care to admit. However, as his…

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