ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Wonder Woman #10 Review

Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Nicola Scott
Colors: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letters: Jodi Wynne

Wonder Woman is one of the strongest Rebirth titles so far. This week’s issue brings us part four of the “Year One” story. In this issue, Diana is allowed to go out, and naturally something goes wrong. While they’re at an outdoor mall, shooters show up and it turns into more of a mission to save the day. Steve, Barbara Ann, and Etta go with her and once chaos ensues, they have a lot to deal with.

Wonder Woman #10
Wonder Woman #10

Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott continue to prove to us why they make such a great team as writer and artist, respectively. The “Year One” storyline is great because it doesn’t feel like it focuses on the same aspects of her origin story that we’ve seen over and over again. And the fact that Rucka is balancing two storylines at once isn’t noticeable (in a good way). The two stories are very much so kept separate. One page of art that stands out is when we see Wonder Woman carrying Steve in one arm and two bad guys tied up in her lasso with the other. It’s a nice, powerful image of the character.

The colors from Romulo Fajardo Jr. pair well with Scott’s art and it really reflects the mood and situation. We get the bright, outdoor scenes, but when Wonder Woman goes to stop some bullets, we get a darker close up, which fits well. Jodi Wynne is keeping up the nice lettering when Barbara Ann and Diana are speaking a different language. Barbara Ann still struggles a bit with it and it’s easy to notice where because of the lettering.

It’s hard to find more words to say about this series because it’s been so solid. Others feel the same and it has to be one of DC’s top titles right now. Look no further than Wonder Woman if you want a comic that features a strong (literally and figuratively) female lead.

Verdict: Buy. If you made it this far in the review, this will come as no surprise to it. This issue is enjoyable and well-done all around. Rucka and Scott are one of my favorite creative teams right now. We could all use a little more Wonder Woman in our lives to be sure to go check this out. It is well worth your time.

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