
Tank Girl: Gold #1

Tank Girl: Gold #1

Titan Comics

Written by Alan C. Martin

Drawn and Lettered by Brett Parson

Review by Nathan Ryan (@Clown_Prince52)

Reaction to this issue is going to wildly differ depending on if you are familiar with this series and have read the preceding series, or if this is your first exposure to Tank Girl. If you have never been exposed to this zany mind trip of a good time, you are in for a wild ride. You get dropped right into the action immediately and it’s not long before you get a feel for what this book is about. It has a certain edge to it that is refreshing. The characters have a punk rock zeal with foul language in a setting that starts off in a submarine fighting off helicopter machine gun fire after liberating billions of dollars of Nazi gold. Whaaaaat?tank-girl

Oh, and there is an anthropomorphic kangaroo named Booga. And there are punishments for actions from a couple of the characters that are explained that are hilarious. One includes a 2,000 word apology and the other includes an ominous walk down something called “Furry Road”. Without spoiling what that is, let’s just say it has something to do with a tribe of sexually starved women that may or may not inflict the pain of fiery STDs. We also have the promise of what could be a lot of fun to come with the billions of Nazi gold.

For a new reader to the series, it does drop you in and it is somewhat difficult to reconcile the feeling that you must have missed something. The good news is that by the end you are in the clear with what feels like a fresh start moving forward. The art itself is great and is as zany as the story is. However, it has very dark tones in its coloring and it would serve the book better if it was brighter and popped off of the pages more.


Check it out. This issue does not disappoint and never fails to shock and surprise. Most of all it is just plain fun and there is nothing else like it out there.

Nathan has been a passionate comics fan from an early age, with a special affinity towards Batman. A combination of career and young family caused the hobby to fade into the ether for a longer period of time than he would care to admit. However, as his…

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