Talking Games Episode 112: PS4 Pro Impressions and Madden 17 Review
Hey there! Welcome to Episode 112 of Talking Games. I think its safe to say were back on schedule now! This week Jeff joins us as we dive into the annual juggernaut that is Madden. How does it stack up to last year’s release? Should you wait until next year or jump in now? Also, Battlefield 1 had a beta, and lots of that was played. Listen in for our impressions on that. Sony had their Playstation conference and we dig into the details of what was announced! OH YEAH… Mario on an iPhone, who knew!??! It’s a jam packed show!
Episode 111 – Thursday September 1st 2016
Bobby Shortle
Jacqui Turner
Justin Townson
Steve Seigh
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Jacqui – JacquiTurner
Justin – Worstninjaever
Steve – Boogiepop-47
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Jacqui – JacksonsX
Justin – Joroak
Steve – PooCat47
Steam –
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Justin – Joroak
Steve – Boogiepop47
Battlenet –
Steve – Boogiepop47
Marvel Heroes –
Steve – Lazarus Phantom
Social Media and Contact Information
Email us at
Twitch – TalkingGames
Jacqui: @jacquiturner
Justin: @joroak
Steve: @dead_anchoress
Bobby: @bobbyshortle
Please consider leaving us a review on ITunes, it is really helpful to us in reaching a wider audience, as well as boosting our already inflated egos. We would like to say a big thank you to those of you who already have. Also thank you to every person who has listened to our show, you are giving us a valid excuse to play and talk about video games, it is a passion we all share!
Until next time,
Bobby, Jacqui, Justin, and Steve