
The Resurrection of Purge

In 1993,Roosevelt Pitt Jr. published the comic book Purge through ANIA (the association of black comic book publishers).  Purge became one of the unsung heroes of the 90’s indie comic book scene, and now he’s being resurrected.  After 20+ years of creating comics under his own company, AMARA Inc., Roosevelt has teamed with KID Comics to bring Purge to a new generation.

Purge is Richard Kincaid,who as a child was kidnapped and experimented on leaving him with severe mental issues.  So the organization that kidnapped him left Richard in foster care before he was adopted by the Kincaids.  Under their care, Richards brain started to reconfigure itself and allowed him to access the micro patch the organization had implanted there.  Through the micro patch, he has conscious control of all his bodily functions, allowing him to temporarily enhance his senses, increase his strength, speed, reflexes, or mental abilities or promote healing. Building a vast fortune by selling inventions to the government and his commercially publicized Internet television (ITV).  Richard has helped the city of New Salem NC to become a thriving city, in more ways than one.  When he was not running his corporation, Richard became Purge, a costumed vigilante protecting the world from threats coming from the city he designed.

Now 23 years later, Roosevelt is bringing Purge back with a vengeance.  PURGE:A NEW DIRECTION is coming from relatively new publisher KID-COMICS in 2016.  Written by Mr. Pitt, and drawn by Keithan Jones with cover art and colors coming from the Xong Brothers, Purge: A NEW DIRECTION will bring the character to a whole new generation of comic readers.  Preview pages can be found at KID’s website  Also, take a look at their other titles, The Power Knights, The Stronger, The Dragonfly, and Vegas Baby, and pick up a copy of Purge soon.

As a fellow North Carolinian, I urge you all to support Roosevelt and Kid Comics.  The story is interesting and innovative (who else was thinking of Internet TV in 1993?), and the art is gorgeous from Keithan Jones.  Purge is a hero along the lines of Batman, but instead of protecting Gotham from evil, Purge protects the rest of the world from the evil inside of New Salem before it can get out.

Again, you can find them at, Roosevelt Pitt’s Facebook page or on twitter at @KIDCOMICSSKJ or @crimsonseed1 (Mr. Pitt’s twitter) or look for their stuff on Comixology.



Life long collector (minus some high school/college years). Also a horror, Star Wars and cooking fan

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