Year: 2013

Skyward #10

Joe Henderson, writer Lee Garbett, art Antonio, Fabela, colors Simon Bowland, letters Recap Previously in Skyward, The Farmers trap Willa, her friends, and Roger Barrow at their facility outside of Chicago. Lucas, the…

Wyrd # 1 Review

Wyrd #1 Review Written by Curt Pires Art by Antonio Fuso Colours by Stefano Simeone Reviewed by Lorna Maltman ( Meet Pitor Wyrd or as I like to call him Constantine’s American cousin. He is a New York…

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 Review Written by Jordie Bellaire Art by Dan Mora Colored by Raul Angulo Review by KrisK After years of Buffy comics at Dark Horse serving as new seasons of the iconic show, Boom! Studios has come…