ComicsDark HorseReviews

Star Wars #12 Review

Star Wars 12Star Wars #12

Story by Brian Wood

Art by Carlos D’Anda

Review by Mara Wood


The Rebel Alliance had just pulled the most incredible stunt in the war thus far. Colonel Bircher, who replaced Vader on his own Star Destroyer, rendered it harmless and revealed himself to be an agent of the Alliance. That is a giant blow to Vader’s ego, one that he will not let slide easily. The Rebel Alliance is still in a vulnerable position. Without a permanent home base hidden from the Empire, they are more or less sitting ducks.

That’s all about to change when Leia steps forward with a plan, one that will ultimately demonstrate her allegiance to the Rebel Alliance. Unfortunately, we have to wait until issue 15 to find out the extent of Leia’s sacrifice for the Rebellion. Until then, Star Wars with have a Darth Vader focus.

As with the other issues in this series, Wood juggles between several characters. While Leia is dealing with Mon Mothma and Bircher about the recent deception and relocation, Luke is coming to terms with his love interest Prithi. After the events of the deception, she realizes she is not cut out for war. In their heartfelt goodbye, we see how important it is to the members of the Rebellion to hold onto something that feels as normal as a crush.

Speaking of crush…Leia’s not too pleased with Han’s new squeeze, Perla. Fans of the series will snicker at the exchanges between Han and Leia in the wake of Perla’s arrival to the Rebellion, but there is a pang of frustration lingering under the surface. We’ve all been there – when the guy you won’t admit to liking appears to like someone else. These short interactions really build up the tension we see between the two characters in Empire Strikes Back.

Overall, Star Wars continues to surprise readers with new views on favorite characters. D’Anda’s artwork is superb, and Wood has captured the feel of each character and the role they play in the Rebellion. If you haven’t already, grab the first trade of the series and get ready to lay down money for the next collection.


Star Wars is one comic that gets me pumped up each week. Between the fantastic portrayal of Princess Leia to the inner workings of the Rebellion, Star Wars is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. If you have not picked up an issue of this series yet, wait for the second trade. While you’re waiting, pick up the first trade. I can’t recommend this series enough.

Mara Wood holds a Ph. D. in School Psychology. Currently, she works for a public school system assessing students for educational placement. Her research focus is comic books and how they can be used in therapy and educational settings. She tends to spend…

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