Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 07/31/13/
Hello and welcome to the revised edition of Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! It used to be that every week our Executive Editor Steve Seigh would showcase his favorite comic book covers of the week and then you could all go about your day. Well no more! From this point forward Steve won’t be the only one displaying the covers that caught his fancy. As of today, and for the foreseeable future, you’ll be viewing selections not only from Steve, but from other site staff and fans alike!
If you’d like to contribute to this column all you need to do is send Steve an email at SteveSeigh@TalkingComicBooks.com, telling him the title of the issue with the cover that you dig, as well as a brief description of why you’re grooving on that particular cover. We’ll try to include as many selections as possible and hope that you enjoy seeing your choices displayed for all of the internet to see.
So without further or due let’s get this week’s selections highlighted!
– Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week –
Collider #1
Written by: Simon Oliver
Art by: Robbi Rodriguez
Cover by: Nathan Fox
Variant Cover by: Nathan Fox
“It’s all about this cover’s funky color palette for me. I’m so excited that Vertigo seems to be hanging around a bit longer (even though a few months back we were lead to believe that it would be going to the way of the dodo) and some of their upcoming titles have me really excited. I hope that people dig on them and that DC understands beyond the shadow of a doubt that they need to keep Vertigo not only around, but a priority as well.” – Steve Seigh
“This cover is all about the colors. This is eye popping work and looks damn cool to boot!” – Bobby Shortle
Bedlam #8
Story By: Nick Spencer
Art By: Ryan Browne
Cover By: Frazer Irving
“Hello kids, welcome to the red, black, and white hour. I’m your host, and really do always enjoy this color combination when used in comic book cover art. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget how cool that playing card looks.” – Steve Seigh
X-Men Legacy #14
Story by Simon Spurrier
Art by Tan Eng Huat & Craig Yeung
Colors by Jose Villarrubia
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Mike Del Mundo
“Ah, the game of Life. It’s a windy road that can often lead you onto the path of trouble. Legion knows all about trouble, and Mike Del Mundo knows how to craft one hell of a comic book cover, yet again!” – Steve Seigh
Chin Music #2
Story By: Steve Niles
Art By: Tony Harris
“Rat-a-tat-tat, bitches!” – Steve Seigh
Beware the Creeper TP
(W) Jason Hall (A/CA) Cliff Chiang
“I don’t know exactly what it is that I like so much about this cover but I’m fairly certain that it’s a combination of things. I like that obnoxious neon green background and the way the character is leaping into action. There’s something about the way she’s poised that fills me with anticipation of how much ass she’s going to kick after landing smack in the middle of a group of thugs. I also like the big, bold wording for the title.” – Steve Seigh
– Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week –

Art by Chris Burnham
Cover by Chris Burnham

Art by Dalibor Talajic & Adrian Alphona
Cover by Kris Anka

Art by Travel Foreman
Cover by Travel Foreman

– Favorite Covers of the Week Soundtrack –
This list was compiled while listening to the album Odelay by Beck.
*Remember, if you would like to participate in this column, send your cover selections (please, only one cover per week) to SteveSeigh@TalkingComicBooks.com. Be sure to have your selections in by midnight of the Monday that corresponds with that week’s releases. Also, please try to keep your selections to books that are being released that week ONLY. Thanks so much and we look forward to sharing your thoughts with all who stop by the Talking Comics website. Cheers! – Steve
This list was compiled by Steve Seigh – Executive Editor of Talking Comics. You can hear Steve on the Talking Comics weekly podcast as well as find him on Joblo.com where he writes a featured, bi-weekly column called Ink & Pixel. His Twitter handle is @dead_anchoress.