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Review Round-Up for 1/23/13

Welcome to the Review Round-Up! We here at Talking Comics release a lot of reviews every week, but sometimes a review can go unnoticed or get buried beneath all the news and other features we have on a weekly basis. That’s why we decided to gather all of our week’s reviews into one post and put it out there for you to enjoy.

DC Comics:

Batwoman 16

Batwoman #16-
Written by J.H. Williams III & W. Haden Blackman, Art by J.H. Williams III

“Though it’s in the middle of a complicated and involved story, Batwoman #16 is an enjoyable read for any Wonder Woman or Batwoman fan (or any comic book fan, for that matter). For those invested in the series, buy it just for Bette’s appearance. Her part in this story will likely be an inspiration to both Diana and Kate.”-Mara

You can read the whole review here.



Justice League #16-
Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Ivan Reis & Gary Frank

“Buy if you are thinking of getting into Justice League.  Buy if you bought it before and it just wasn’t your bag.  Buy if you are looking for a big action thriller full of conflict both emotional and physical; just as a tentpole title for an entire universe should be.  And just to remind you, this is not coming from a place of optimism.  I asked for Justice League to continue to deliver last month, and deliver they did.”-Sean

You can read the whole review here.

rhato16covlrgRed Hood and the Outlaws #16-
Written by Scott Lobdell, Art by Timothy Green II

“I really like this title, and am far from writing it off, but this specific issue does not have much to offer to anyone as a tie-in or a standard conflicted RHatO tale.  Those who are unstoppably curious about where Tynion looks to lead the title in the way of adversaries may want to take a look, and those looking for a silly run-of-the-mill punch-em-up that is kid-tested and Sean-approved may find some purchase here as well though.  No witty callback to end this review, just sadness that my chance to point out such a fun title corresponded with such ill timing.”-Sean

You can read the whole review here.

Marvel Comics:

Avengers_3Avengers #3-
Written by Jonathan Hickman, Art by Jerome Opena

“If you are a fan of Hickman’s other works then buy this. If you like philosophical stories that make you think then buy this. This is not a simple story of good versus evil. If you prefer simpler stories, you may still enjoy this on the surface. It has fighting and smashing, but some of the dialog may feel tedious. If art is your thing, then buy it. The art feels alive and is a beautiful compliment to the themes of life and creation.”-Adam

You can read the whole review here.

FF_3-674x1024FF #3-
Written by Matt Fraction, Art by Michael Allred

“FF is easily my favorite book on the shelves today. Every issue is packed with Fraction’s signature wit and attention to character detail, while the Allred’s art compels you to have eyegasms. Every colorful panel is packed to the gills with humor, intelligence and sensitivity. Once more, with feeling, if you’re not buying FF, please do. It truly is a wonderful book.”-Steve  

You can read the whole review here.

Uncanny Avengers 3

Uncanny Avengers #3-
Written by Rick Remender, Art by John Cassaday

“I would say that you should buy this book. If you have been waiting for it or whether you are just jumping on this is a fantastic and fun read with some nice characterization work. Despite my gripes with the art, this is a pretty damn good book. This is coming from someone that didn’t particularly care for the first two issues.”-Adam

You can read the whole review here.



Uncanny X-Force #1-
Written by Sam Humphries, Art by Ron Garney
“The sense that I get from this book is that it is relying heavily on events that happened before it, that this is an aftermath. I find that this puts readers, like me, at a disadvantage where there should be none. However, even with that said, I will be looking forward to more from this series in the coming months. It’s my hope that the book will remain entertaining and perhaps fill in so of those gaps in story that are so obviously a part of the bigger picture.”-SteveYou can read the whole review here.

Winter-Soldier_14-674x1024Winter Soldier #14-
Written by Ed Brubaker, Art by Butch Guice
“Bucky has become one of the most popular characters in the Marvel U, and Brubaker is to blame for it. Heck, they’re making a movie out the storyline for goodness’ sake! With this issue, the great Ed Brubaker leaves the House of Ideas for greener, creator-owned pastures. Here’s to hoping he returns to our favorite metal-armed former-Soviet assassin someday…”-JoeyYou can read the whole review here.

Young Avengers #1-
Written by Kieron Gillen, Art by Jamie McKelvie

 “Young Avengers #1 is a stylish, entertaining and surprisingly emotional book that feels like the beginning of something special. Kieron Gillen is the kind of writer who brings something unique to every book he is on and Jamie McKelvie’s art is the perfect compliment to that. There is a lot going on in Young Avengers #1 which in lesser hands could lead to a feeling of being left behind. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that this title will be soon be put alongside  Daredevil, Hawkeye, FF and the ever growing list of books at Marvel that emphasize humor and fun as much as they do violence and pathos. For my money this is the most impressive Marvel NOW title to date and If you like your super heroes with slightly different twist you should be adding this to your pull list.”-Bobby

You can read the whole review here.

Image/Dark Horse/Valiant/IDW Comics:


Chew #31-
Written by John Layman, Art by Rob Guillory

“You should already be buying Chew. Collect these, they are incredibly unique stories and they fly off the shelves. Issue #31 manages to maintain the trademark funny face of the series while introducing a very melancholy, emotional side I don’t recall being presented in Chew before.”-Melissa

You can read the whole review here.

Harbinger 8

Harbinger #8-
Written by Joshua Dysart, Art by Lee Garbett

“I’ve enjoyed Harbinger. It is not my favorite of what Valiant has on the shelves, but it has a pretty cool mythos tied in to it. For issue #8, I am going to say this is passable. If you’ve been enjoying the series so far, you’ll probably still pick this up, but not enough happens for me to warrant saying, “BUY IT!” I’ll be sticking around for the upcoming Harbinger Wars, and I’m looking forward to some of Harada’s backstory in issue #0 in two weeks.”-Adam

You can read the whole review here.


Judge Dredd #3-
Written by Duane Swierczynski, Art by Nelson Daniel & Langoon Foss

“Judge Dredd continues to be a fantastic love letter to the classic 2000 A.D. Judge Dredd stories that fans new and old will definitely enjoy. The stories are gripping, the artwork is fantastic and it’s worth every penny. If you have any interest in reading this comic, please do so, you won’t regret it.”-Travis

 You can read the whole review here.
Mind MGMT 7
Mind MGMT #7-
Story and Art by Matt Kindt
“If you are in anyway interested in picking up Mind MGMT, grab this issue. It says “New Story Arc” on the cover. The first page helps catch you up to the series. Information on the government agency is given throughout the issue. As far as jumping-on points, you’ll rarely find such a smooth transition.”-Mara 

You can read the whole review here.
1838064-revival-6Revival #6-
Written by Tim Seeley, Art by Mike Norton
“Even if you haven’t been reading Revival (like me), issue #6 is the perfect jumping on point. Tim Seeley does an admirable job satisfying new readers with plot and thematic recaps as well as moving the story forward for continuing readers. The tension is ever present and the horror and conspiracy ever bubbling below the panels. And, most importantly, Mike Norton’s artwork is awesome. Buy.”-Joey 

You can read the whole review here.
Well that does it for this week’s edition of the Review Round-Up. Let us know what you think of the feature in the comments below and  we’ll see you next week.
The resident news guy of Talking Comics. When he's not posting the news, Travis can be found at your local comedy club doing stand-up, ranting on his Twitter @TravisMcCollum or posting video game videos on his YouTube channel xTJMac510x.

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