
Avengers Assemble #11 Review

Avengers Assemble 11

Avengers Assemble #11

Story by Kelly Sue DeConnick

Art by Stefano Caselli

Review by Mara Whiteside


DeConnick has done it again. Balancing both action and humor, DeConnick has made Avengers Assemble a delightful monthly read. New and old readers will get a kick out of the way she handles some of Marvel’s most memorable characters.

Iron Man, Thor, and Spider-Woman are at the mercy of an enraged Hulk. After being infected by water-born bacteria, Bruce Banner immediately transforms into the Hulk to save his life. He is in incredible pain and ready to lash out at the teammates he loves. Spider-Woman must utilize her pheromone powers to subdue the Hulk and administer an antibody. Spider-Woman continues to shine in issue 11 as she demonstrates the practical use of her pheromone powers.

Captain American and Captain Marvel compare notes with the others on these mysterious bacteria. With all the pieces lined up, our heroes begin to form the plan to bring down the mastermind Yun Guang Han. The teamwork of the characters in Avengers Assemble is flawless as each hero accepts their duty in this mission.

Issue 11 of Avengers Assemble has the humor and banter fans appreciated in the recent Marvel films. Each character has developed their own voice, a difficult feat for team books. DeConnick has mastered the personality of the heroes she writes. From juxtaposing Bruce and Tony to fleshing out Spider-Woman’s inner dialogue, DeConnick has demonstrated her ability to juggle a varied cast of characters. Caselli’s artwork matches DeConnick’s writing, down to look of compassion on Spider-Woman’s face when dealing with the Hulk. The two creators have hit their stride on these series, helping to make Avengers Assemble a great book for all types of comic book readers.


It’s a buy. Issue 11 is the last issue in the arc, but Marvel sums up the events of the previous two for their readers on the first page. Anybody could jump in on this issue and fully enjoy it. If that’s not convincing enough, the humor element of Avengers Assemble is enough to earn your dollars. Buy it and share the code with a friend to get them hooked on this fun superhero series.

Mara Wood holds a Ph. D. in School Psychology. Currently, she works for a public school system assessing students for educational placement. Her research focus is comic books and how they can be used in therapy and educational settings. She tends to spend…

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