
FF #23 Review

FF #23

Story by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Nick Dragotta
Colors by Cris Peter
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Kalman Andrasofszky

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

If you were afforded the opportunity to have a conversation with your future self what would you say? Would you spend those words asking about future events that could help make you rich? Or would you perhaps ask the more personal questions to discover how could help yourself to grow into a better person than you are now? Answer yourself honestly and truly, and perhaps you’ll discover a little something about yourself by the end of this review.

How do you review a perfect comic book? Does something such as a perfect comic even exist? Isn’t anything you decide just your personal opinion? The answer is yes, but in the case of FF #23, the answer is also no. There is a such thing as a perfect comic, or a perfect ending, and FF #23 is it. This week I excitedly and sadly bore witness to the last issue of Future Foundation as written by Jonathan Hickman. Future Foundation, by far, has been my personal favorite series since I’d become a dedicated reader over just a year ago.

What I’d found in the pages of FF was hope, cosmic action, drama, and a sense of family not felt in any other book on the shelves today. Pushing the concepts of belief and imagination, FF has remained a constant deluge of creativity throughout the duration of its entire 23 issue run. We’ve traveled to the far outreaches of the cosmos, rode atop elephants in Wakanda, have driven boss hogs with the arms of a hot vampire teacher wrapped around our midsections, and even got to step inside of the pocket reality found in the recesses of Franklin’s closet. There really has been no limit to what FF has allowed us to experience as readers. 

FF #23 is the proper way to close out a successful run. The book closes the doors on several scenarios while at the same time planting the seeds of excitement for events to come when the series returns in November. And,  while I’m saddened to see Jonathan Hickman step away from this comic property, I have more than enough faith that Matt Fraction will carry this book to new heights upon his taking over the series.

I don’t want to say too much about this final issue in regard to the actual content of the book because it is truly something that you should experience for yourselves. Just as a quick overview though, it’s about the future Franklin taking his leave from the Future Foundation for what he equates to a very long time. He systematically makes his way through each member of the family, saying a special goodbye to each one, and I dare you not to tear up at at least one if not several of these moments. 

I feel honored to have been able to call dibs on reviewing this final issue for the site. I really can’t think of any other Marvel property that has given me more satisfaction and reward for my time and efforts to stay current with a run than Jonathan Hickman’s FF. To close out this review, allow me to leave you with a quote from the Franklin of the future …

“So … here’s the thing about adventure. It’s all there really is.”

* This review was written while listening to the Self Titled debut album by the band Ultraista.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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