
The Magic Order #1 Review

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The Magic Order #1

Story by Mark Millar

Art by Olivier Coipel

Colors by Dave Stewart

Letters by Peter Doherty

Review by KrisK

Milarworld moved to Netflix! If you haven’t heard, Netflix is now publishing the comics by comic giant Mark Milar (Kickass, Hitgirl, etc.), and The Magic Order is the first child of this new union. Its a heck of a debut.

The Magic Order opens with a sinister murder. A devilish duo are killing wizards. Families come together and blame others. Someone is making a power play. The wizards secretly fight evil monsters, so humanity lives on. The main magic family is the Moonstones. The patriarch is Leonard Moonstone, and his three kids are Cordelia, Regan, and Gabriel. Cordelia performs for birthdays. She drinks heavily and gets arrested often. Regan owns a nightclub. Gabriel lives with his partner after swearing off the magical world. The father, Leonard, though, runs the family magic show which has run for over one hundred years.

Image result for magic orderThe magic in here is great. It takes a step farther than Harry Potter did in immersion in their lives. Wizards float around grocery stores on clouds, using spells to make them undetectable as they talk. They wear a wide variety of clothing, some of it from hundreds of years ago. The magic is different. The final spell shown is more ambitious and layered than the vast majority of the spells you see in comics and movies. I can’t wait to see this comic as a Netflix TV show, which I am sure it is destined to become.

The story hums along at a good pace. It was never funny, but the dialogue was natural and intriguing. Millar has his craft down. Olivier Coipel is clearly having a great time drawing this world. The designs are cool, and I love the giant Cthulhu they see in a flashback. The colors by Stewart are dark and deep; the blood owns the panels its in. The comic lives up to its Mature rating.

I do wish there was a little more light in the comics. I prefer dynamic coloring more than the gritty Kickass tones they chose for this book.

Verdict: Buy. This comic was fun. It has mystery, fantasy, and slice of life, run through a Millarworld blender.  I can’t wait to see what happens next. Because I feel like anything can happen next.

My name is Kristopher Kuzeff. I live in Indianapolis, IN, with my perfect wife, Brianda. I work as a Assistant General Manager for a chain bookstore. I love books of all kinds, and I will unapologetically rock out to Linkin Park and Hamilton. You can…

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