
Slots #1 Review

Slots #1 Review

Written and Art by Dan Panosian

Letters by Pat Brosseau

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

This comic is all about Las Vegas, the charm, the gambling, but most importantly the people.

Meet Stanley, an ex-boxer and ex-Las Vegas Resident, who’s trying to get rid of both those exes. He is that guy that is charming, but has no luck, so where else should he go but Las Vegas. He visits an old friend in need and seeks to help her, but seeing as he has no plan, well he has a plan, but to put it mildly, it’s a rubbish plan, so he might as well have no plan; it might be harder than he thinks. This , interlaced with Stanley’s past, makes up the plot of the comic and it has left me wanting to check out the next issue.

Dan Panosian does a wonderful job of evoking the spirit of Las Vegas and divides the comic into chapters which allow for easy transitions to different locations and characters. Panosian sets up a main character, that , like moss, will grow on you, – well hopefully moss does not grow on you, but my point stands. Also, Panosian does the art, which meshes beautifully with his script to capture both the shining lights and grimier parts of Las Vegas with him giving both the people and locales distinct personalities.


Worth Checking out. Slots does well to set up the character and his motivations moving forward. If you are looking for a fun comic that has great art and some boxing mixed in with it, check this comic out.


Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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