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Talking Movies Mini-Episode #10: Filmmaker “List of Shame”

We’ve talked a lot on the show about our “Lists of Shame” — critically acclaimed and much beloved movies that, for whatever reason, we still haven’t gotten around to seeing. On this mini-episode, Brian, Chris, and Nick apply that same concept to directors, discussing which filmmakers’ work we want to get to know better — or, in a few cases, whose work we want to get to know at all.

There’s a pretty big fish among the all-time greats that Chris is looking to land, while Brian hopes to learn more about one of the major players from the early days of cinema and Nick plans on seeking out the work of a writer/director who’ll make him the toast of only the most pretentious of cocktail parties. Check it out, and drop us a line to let us know about any filmmakers that YOU think we need to get better acquainted with.

Talking Minis 10: Filmmaker “List of Shame”


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