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Weekend Box Office: Nice Start for ‘Angry,’ Angry Start for ‘Nice’

By Brian Verderosa


Three new releases joined the ranks this week, but only one can claim to have truly been a success. The Angry Birds Movie, which has been in development for over four years, opened to an estimated $39M, just around industry expectations. A mixed 43% Rotten Tomatoes rating didn’t deter audiences from launching themselves into theater seats for the animated feature, which ousted Captain America: Civil War in its third weekend.

Red (Jason Sudeikis) and Leonard (Bill Hader) in Columbia Pictures and Rovio Animation's ANGRY BIRDS.
Red (Jason Sudeikis) and Leonard (Bill Hader) in Columbia Pictures and Rovio Animation’s ANGRY BIRDS.

Civil War grabbed another $33.1M to put its domestic total at $347M, $15M shy of being the year’s #1 picture (currently held by Deadpool  — what a wonderful world we live in!). It also marks the first time in history that three films have totals of $300M or more in the top 10 – War, The Jungle Book ($327M) and Zootopia ­($334M). And get this – they’re all Disney properties. Cha-ching!

Opening in third place this week is the well-reviewed-but-not-as-well-as-its-predecessor Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (61% compared to 73%). Unfortunately for the Zac Efron / Seth Rogen sequel, it looks poised to be more Ted 2 rather than 22 Jump Street. The original opened with $49M back in May of 2014, but this gender-flipped sequel (now they are battling a sorority!) scored only $21.7M in its debut weekend. This means $100M is out of the question and a $60M-$65M finish is likely. I guess people had seen that airbag gag too many times to care?


The last of our three new entries is one of this writer’s most-anticipated movies of the year, The Nice Guys. The Shane Black-directed mystery comedy has garnered critical acclaim (90%), and stars Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe have been making the late night rounds doing their shtick and making it work.  But R-rated period pieces don’t always translate to box office gold, and this is no exception. Nice Guys came in at $11.2M in just under 3,000 theaters. Perhaps word-of-mouth could edge this one over $40M, but a $30-$32M tally is likely.


Next week, more comic book domination comes our way in the form of X-Men: Apocalypse, and Disney tries to add to their monopoly by building hotels with Alice Through the Looking Glass. What do you think is going to happen next week?


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