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Talking Comics Presents 4.10.13


By Bobby Shortle

Hello everyone and welcome to Talking Comics Presents! Every week we here at Talking Comics will endeavor to give you a personal view of the book we are most excited for, and why!

Remember , I want your input, what books are you excited for? Have you found any great fan art this week? Whats your favorite cover, panel or bit of writing (easy on the spoilers)? Do you have a video testimonial, audio blurb or art of your own you’d like to share? Send these things to and the best of them will be included here from now on!

Don’t forget to check out our podcast on our inspirations and influences, our chat with great Greg Rucka, the news of Apple banning Saga from ComiXology, and of course the  reviews from our amazing contributors.

Well, enough with the who, where, what, why and how, I give to you Talking Comics Presents for the books releasing on 4/10/13.

Dark Horse:

Star Wars #4


Writer: Brian Wood

Artist: Carlos D’Anda

Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb

Cover Artist: Alex Ross

Recommended by Mara Whiteside

Dark Horse says: “As Princess Leia’s stealth squadron lays a trap for the spy within their ranks, she soon realizes that the Rebels are ill prepared for the Empire’s zealous pursuit. Meanwhile, Han Solo flees from the Empire through the lower levels of Coruscant, and Luke Skywalker enjoys being grounded with a female friend . . .”

Mara Whiteside says: Star Wars #4 – Brian Wood is bringing everything to the table in this series. While the series as a whole is pretty heavy, it has some lighthearted moments. It also has some of the best Leia moments I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine why anyone isn’t picking up this series.

DC Comics:  

Batgirl #19


Writer: Gail Simone

Artist: Daniel Sampere

Recommended by Bob Reyer and Stephanie Cooke

DC Comics says: Will a sibling rivalry lead to a death in the family?

Bob Reyer says: “Gail Simone is back! She brings with her the likely resolution of the James Gordon, Jr. story-arc, and is promising a heinous new villain who might be teased in this issue, as well!”

Stephanie Cooke says: “Batgirl #19 – It’s the return of Gail Simone on Batgirl, so of COURSE I’m excited to see what’s up with Simone and Babs.”

Batman and Red Robin #19


Written by Peter J. Tomasi

Art by Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray

Recommended by Adam Shaw

DC Comics says: “On the darkest of nights, who is the one person Batman meets that could change his life forever?”

Adam Shaw says: Batman & Red Robin “Okay, this month I got my comics straight, and I am excited about seeing Tim Drake partnered up with Batman. Pre-New 52 Drake was one of my favorite characters around. Away from the travesty of Teen Titans, I hope we get to see some good writing, and what makes Tim so awesome.”


Batman: Li’L Gotham #1


Story by Dustin Nguyen & Derek Fridolfs

Art by Dustin Nguyen

Letters by Saida Temofonte

Cover by Dustin Nguyen, Chris Burnham, & Nathan Fairbairn

Recommended by Bobby Shortle

DC Comics says: “The first time in print for this hit all-ages digital first series! First, Robin needs Batman’s help to learn the true meaning of Halloween. Then, on Thanksgiving, Batman and Robin join the families of Gotham City around the table for a holiday feast—and birds of a feather flock together to stage a march against the city…led by The Penguin!”

Bobby Shortle says: On the Talking Comics Podcast we have continually bemoaned the lack of kid friendly books in the comic landscape and so it’s with a lot of excitement that I turn my gaze towards Li’l Gotham. This once digital only series comes into stores with a lot of critical praise and an art style I’m simply crazy about.


Demon Knights #19


Story by Robert Venditti

Art by Bernard Chang

Colors by Marcelo Maiolo

Letters by Jared K. Fletcher

Recommended by Sean Lamont

DC Comics says:  “What undead menaces threaten the lives of the Demon Knights?”

Sean Lamont says: “Going off the Bat-trail a bit this week and looking forward to Demon Knights #19.  Isolated from continuity, goofy in its adventurous spirit, and always managing to be a fun romp in Ye Olde DC; Demon Knights has been one of my go-to titles each week it comes out.  And with the team now caught in the middle of a three-way battle royale between medieval Amazons, biblical-rooted vampires, and Vandal Savage and his horde of thugs; this issue shouldn’t prove any different.”



Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #3


Story: Roger Langridge

Art: J. Bone

Cover: Walt Simonson

IDW says: His rocket-pack gone, his girl not speaking to him, and all of Hollywood about to fall into the clutches of the sinister Otto Rune…what’s young Cliff Secord to do? And what’s that dangerous-looking thing Peevy’s been building, anyway? It’s back to Square One for the Rocketeer… as he has to learn to fly all over again!

Bob Reyer says: “The plot thickens!” as they were wont to say back in my youth! The Mark Waid/Chris Samnee team was a hard act to follow on this title. but Messers Langridge and Bone have equated themselves quite nicely, and I can hardly wait for “Another thrilling chapter of The Rocketeer, coming to theaters this week!”

Image Comics: 

Saga #12


Story by Brian K. Vaughan

Art by Fiona Staples

Recommended by Melissa Megan

Image Comics says: “Prince Robot IV makes his move.”

Melissa Megan says: Saga #12 is what I’m most looking forward to this week. This series keeps me hanging every month, biting my nails to see what’s next. Issue #11 left off with such a sad heartbreak, I can’t wait to know where Alana and Marko will go from there.


Marvel Comics: 

Fearless Defenders #3


Story: Cullen Bunn

Art: Will Sliney

Cover: Mark Brooks

Marvel says:  “WARRIOR WOMAN joins the Defenders! Who is she? And why is she back from the dead? Plus! A city of silent superheroes. And: Defenders vs. Doom Maidens!”

Bob Reyer says:  “This book has been a more-than-pleasant surprise, with a great mixture of fun, action, and plenty of characterization in just two issues. The Fearless Defenders were in a tough spot at the hands of the Doom Maidens when last we left them; can Warrior Woman turn the tide of battle…in either direction?”


Hawkeye #9


Story by Matt Fraction

Art by David Aja

Colors by Matt Hollingsworth

Letters by Chris Eliopoulos

Recommended by Joey Braccino

Marvel Comics says: “More ladies, more problems. Featuring: The Girlfriend, the Work-Wife and the Ex-Wife. Plus the tracksuits are back and aim to kill. Good luck, Hawkeye.”

Joey Braccino says:  Hawkeye #9 – Okay… this comic… we need this comic. C’mon Marvel! I need my Hawkguy fix! Can you believe it’s been over a month since Hawkeye #8? Me neither. Check out one of THE BEST comics series of 2012 (and 2013)!!! No hyperbole!!!


Ultron #1AU


Story by Kathryn Immonen

Art by Amilcar Pinna

Letters by Joe Caramagna

Cover by Kalman Andrasofszky

Recommended by Bobby Shortle

Marvel Comics says: “Ultron took over the world. Ultron killed the heroes. Ultron…is your father. When you’re Victor Mancha, android teen Runaway, “daddy issues” doesn’t quite cover it.”

Bobby Shortle says:  “I don’t know who Victor Mancha is, I don’t know any of his history in the Marvel Universe, but the idea of reading a book about Ultron’s son is fascinating to me. Add in a writer I enjoy and a relation to a solid Marvel event, and I’m in. 


Uncanny X-Men #4


Story by Brian Michael Bendis

Art by Chris Bachalo

Recommended by Travis McCollum

Marvel Comics says: “How is Magik the only one of the Phoenix Five to come out of the experience unscathed? And there is something strange going on with one of the other members of the UNCANNY X-MEN.”

Travis McCollum says: Uncanny X-Men #4 “With the latest issue of All New X-Men featuring the confrontation between the New Charles Xavier and Jean Grey Schools, the latest issue of Uncanny X-Men is here to show what went on from the perspective of Cyclops’ team. How does Emma deal with the Cuckoos? What were Cyclops and the rest of the team doing during the deliberation period? And who does join the team? All should (hopefully) be revealed in this issue.”



Archer and Armstrong #9


Story by Fred Van Lente

Art by Emanuela Lupacchino & Guillermo Ortego

Colors by David Baron

Cover by Emanuela Lupacchino & Clayton Henry

Recommended by MMorse

Valiant says: “What cosmic madness has turned Armstrong’s naive teenage ally into a madman with a thirst for universal genocide? Can Valiant’s immoral immortal defeat the evil inside Archer before his brother enacts the ultimate sanction? And once the stardust has settled, what will be the next battle for the undying Eternal Warrior?”

MMorse says: “I’m looking forward to Archer & Armstrong, a really strong title combining playful humor and epic adventure. A lazy, good-hearted immortal and a naive former cult member with incredible fighting skills get chased by secret organizations, nuns with machine guns, and sentient viruses. Mayhem ensues. What’s not to love about that?”

Community Picks:


Uncanny X-Men #4


Luke H. says:  “I think the thing I love the most about this run is how connected it is with All New X-Men, and it doesn’t feel forced.”


Thor: God of Thunder #7


Luke H. says:  “This is one of those books that I put down and say “Wow, that was amazing!” Then immediately pick it back up and read again.”

Brian F. says: “This book starts the God Bomb story and Jason Aaron is killing it on this title.  I’ve never read a solo Thor book before but he’s really sucked me into this universe.  And after reading the solicitations for book 7 I’m really wanting to know what the hell is a Godbomb?  Love your show guys!”


Fantastic Four #6


Luke H. says: “After the emotional #5AU issue I’m very interested to how this next one will compare.”


Avengers #9


Luke H. says: “Hickman has grabbed me again with this one. I love the new team he has put together and how much he explores there past.”


Batgirl #19


John D. says: “This week it’s all about Batgirl #19. Although there’s a lot happening in the other bat-books this week, I am psyched about Gail Simone’s return to the book as well as the possibility of a confrontation between Barbara and her brother, James Jr. Finally!”

X #0


Patrick M. says: “This week I’m really looking forward to the relaunch of Dark Horse’s masked vigilante X. This was a super gritty and violent book back in the 90’s that had our antihero stalking the streets of Arcadia dispensing justice like Punisher on steroids. Can’t wait.”

Well that’s all for this week’s Talking Comics Presents, don’t forget to send your picks and submissions to, and check out the Talking Comics Podcast. On this week’s show we discussed Green Hornet, the new Fables game, and Superior Spider-Man!

Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at and talking…

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