Tag: Ultron

Ultron #1AU Review

Ultron #1AU Review Written by Kathryn Immonen Art by Amilcar Pinna Letters by VC's Joe Caramanga Cover Art by Kalman Andrasofzky Reviewed by Steve Seigh Now that Marvel's Age of Ultron event is in full swing,…

Fantastic Four #5AU Review

Fantastic Four #5AU Review Written by Matt Fraction Art by André Araújo Colors by Jose Villarrubia Review by Adam Shaw Wow. Damn. I was totally caught off guard by this Age of Ultron tie-in. It was nothing like what I…

Age of Ultron #3 Review

Age of Ultron #3 Written by Brian Michael Bendis Pencils by Bryan Hitch Inks by Paul Neary Colors by Paul Mounts Review by Adam Shaw Just like with my review last week of issue #2 I am remaining skeptical about event…