Tag: kree

Empyre #4 Review

Writers: Al Ewing & Dan Slott Artist: Valerio Schiti Colors: Marte Gracia Letters: VC’s Joe Caramagna Earth is once again the center for intergalactic strife. After a millennium of warfare, the Kree and Skrulls

Avengers #18 Review

Avengers #18 Written by Jonathan Hickman Pencils by Leinil Francis Yu Inks by Gerry Alanguilan Colors by Sunny Gho Letters by VC’s Cory Petit I loved, loved, LOVED this issue of Avengers. Overall, I’ve been enjoying…

Captain Marvel #14 Review

Captain Marvel #14 Story by Kelly Sue DeConnick Art by Scott Hepburn, Gerardo Sandoval, and Andy Troy Review by Mara Wood In the final installment in The Enemy Within crossover, Carol Danvers rises to the occasion and…