Tag: Extermination

Extermination #5 Review

Writer: Ed Brisson Artist: Pepe Larraz Colors: Marte Gracia Letters: VC’s Joe Sabino Extermination #5 brings a delayed yet very satisfying conclusion to the mini-series that kicked off the current reboot of the X-Men…

Extermination #2 Review

Writer: Ed Brisson Artist: Pepe Larraz Colors: Marte Gracia Letters: VC’s Joe Sabino The Extermination continues as time literally begins running out for the time displaced original five X-Men. With the ramifications of last…

Extermination #1 Review

Writer: Ed Brisson Artist: Pepe Larraz Colorist: Marte Gracia Letters: VC’s Joe Sabino Cover: Mark Brooks There was a time when I looked forward to the next X-Event. If there is one franchise that does Events and…