Tag: creator owned

Velvet #1 Review

Velvet #1 Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Steve Epting Colors: Elizabeth Breitweiser Letters: Chris Eliopoulos Review by Joey Braccino Velvet #1 is a strong debut for promises to be yet another creator-owned gem coming out…

Hoodlum – Series Review

Hoodlum – Series Review Written & Created by Hilary Goldstein Art by John Toledo Back in February, Alterna Comics launched a brand-new comics series created by former IGN-editor, Hilary Goldstein. Hoodlum #1 hit the…

Lost Vegas #1 Review

Lost Vegas #1 Written by Jim McCann Art by Janet Lee Review by Joey Braccino I like to play this game with the comics I review where I try to come up with some sort of pop cultural metaphor that could help frame the book for…