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The Flash #19 Review

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Pencillers: Jesus Merino and Carmine Di Giandomenico
Inkers: Andy Owen and Carmine Di Giandomenico
Colorist: Chris Sotomayor
Letterer: Steve Wands

The Flash has been a solid Rebirth title and continues to be one in “Sins of the Father Part Two.” The Flash and Kid Flash go to find Digger Harkness aka Boomerang. Naturally, they end up in some trouble, but in this issue, they manage to get themselves out of it. Kid Flash tells Digger that Daniel West is his dad and we get a couple panels of flashback as Digger tells him what happened to his dad. Barry even reveals himself to Wally in an attempt to get through to him. It’s a great episode that focuses more on Kid Flash and what he’s going through. 

Joshua Williamson is a writer I’ve been more interested in reading after checking out the first volume of Nailbiter a while ago. He’s done a nice job with this story and the focus on Wally shows just how important he is to The Flash. The moment where Barry reveals himself, you can tell Wally feels a sense of joy about it. However, that only lasts until he learns that Barry has not told Iris that he’s The Flash. It’s a well-written moment in the comic and it’s what makes this a good issue. The end of the comic leads us into the Batman and The Flash crossover. That will start up with Batman #21. It’s a nice little reveal and a nod to Flashpoint.

The pencils, inks, and colors in this issue mesh well together, which is no surprise with Carmine Di Giandomenico contributing on both pencils and inks. The issue has a lot of close ups on Wally and you can just feel what he’s feeling based on his facial expressions. It’s well done and showing the speed radiating off of both Wally and Barry is a nice little touch.

Overall, this is a solid part two in the “Sins of the Father” storyline. It will be interesting to see how they continue after this. Wally wants Barry to stay away from him for a while, so it’ll be determined whether or not Barry actually listens to him.

Verdict: Buy. This is a strong story that focuses more on Wally than Barry. The creative team is great all around and this should definitely be one of the Rebirth titles that you’re reading. At least check it out if you haven’t been reading it.

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