Boom StudiosComicsReviews

Skybourne #1 Review

Skybourne #1 (of 5)

Written and illustrated by Frank Cho

Coloured by Marcio Menyzskybourne

Lettered by Ed Dukeshire

Review by Lorna Maltman (

I don’t know if this is just being British and growing up on myths and tales, but I have always had a particular fondness for the legend of King Arthur. So when it was announced that Frank Cho was doing a modern retake it was an instant buy for me.

Cho, though, doesn’t bash the reader over the head with lore -quite wisely I might add-but rather starts out with an action heavy issue. He doesn’t spell everything out for the reader, using instead his great expressive art to tell the story. This added a certain cinematic feel to the comic, like in a Bond or Bourne film where you’re launched into a situation that you haven’t quite figured out yet and chaos and action ensues. In the same token, it uses the clichés from such films such as someone backing out on a deal and the obligatory ‘Do you know who I am?’ line, leaving at times something to be desired in the dialogue department. It did leave you with questions at the end, which I trust and hope will be answered in the course of this miniseries. This and the fast pace of the comic meant that I found myself going back to clarify details of the story.

Menyz uses colours to superb effect to highlight eye catching panels and the violence of Grace Skybourne – this, paired with Cho’s usual great art, makes all the action come alive. Cho makes it so Grace’s violence, which, while at points is certainly graphic enough to be at home in a Mortal Kombat game, doesn’t tarnish her character, but makes her that more  interesting to read. When Cho does introduce the Arthurian lore, he uses sensibly –  the instantly recognisable parts such as Excalibur and Merlin and seeing Merlin go up against guns with such arrogance is a pleasure to read.

The twist at the end had me questioning where exactly the second issue will go, but isn’t that the point of a first issue to intrigue you enough to pick up the second?


Check it out. Good premise, great action. However ,I hope that I will have a better sense of what’s exactly going on in the upcoming issues instead of being what it could quite easily be a big dumb summer blockbuster.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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