
A-Babies vs X-Babies Review

A-Babies vs X-Babies 

Big Boy Words by Skottie Young

Pretty Pictures by Gurihiru

Alphabet by VC’s Clayton Cowles

Review Babble by Steve Seigh

At the corner of Fury Drive and Xavier Way lives little Steve Rogers. Steve is a beautiful, blue-eyed, baby boy who also happens to be one of Earth’s mightiest (and littlest) heroes, Captain America. After discovering that his stuffed animal friend, Bucky Bear, has been taken by the obnoxious baby Scott Summers across the street,  it’s up to Steve and the rest of his Avenger pals to get Bucky Bear back. All of your favorite Avengers and X-Men are here … and it’s way past their bedtime.

C’mon, you already know what I’m going to say. I loved A-Babies vs X-Babies. In the wake of the tragedies that had befallen both teams during the Avengers vs X-Men event it’s nice to read something involving these characters that’s light hearted and will make you laugh out loud on more than one occasion. Helming this One-Shot is writer and artist Skottie Young, made most famous for his work on the various (Marvel) Oz related books that follow Dorothy and her friends through the strangest of fantasy lands. Young doesn’t miss a beat in this hilarious comic. Immediately, I was reminded of my glory days of having nothing to do in life but eat Chips Ahoy! cookies and watch reruns of the Muppet Babies on Nickelodeon. Oh yeah, and don’t think I didn’t spot that send off to Nanny, the Muppet Babies caretaker. I would recognize those iconic green and yellow leggings anywhere.

What’s more is that not only is A-Babies vs X-Babies fun to read, but the sheer amount of glee that comes from spotting all the different baby-sized characters is more than enough to earn your $2.99. I’m serious. I dare anyone to pick up this book and not emit at least one “Awwwww, they’re so adorable!” by the time you reach the final page. Now I know that this book was only a One-Shot, but I hope that it flies off the shelves so fast that Marvel decides to write out a big fat check to Skottie Young in hopes that he’d be willing to make more. This would be the perfect book that parents can share with their children.  The characters are already established in other franchises, it’s all around family friendly, and it’s a visual feast for any comic fan. Please Marvel, do the right thing and commission this team to produce more outrageous stories to help make A-Babies vs X-Babies a series.


An absolute buy. A must own. Don’t allow yourself to go the rest of this week without purchasing this book. It’s like I said. In the wake of the tragic and long-winded events of the Avengers vs X-Men event, this is the perfect way to unwind and have a few laughs. you’d be doing yourself and your inner child an injustice by not picking this up.

* This review was written while listening to the album See You On the Other Side by the band KoRn.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on Joblo.com, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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