the Wild Storm #1 Review

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Jon Davis-Hunt Colorist: Ivan Plascencia Letterer: Simon Bowland In comics its not often you can go home again. Over the years I’ve seen classic creators return to the comics that helped propel…

Super Sons #1 Review

Story and Words: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Jorge Jimenez Colorist: Alejandro Sanchez Letterer: Rob Leigh After getting a glimpse of Damian and John together in Superman, Super Sons allows readers to dive deeper into the stories…

Deathstroke #12 Review

Deathstroke #12 Review Story by Christopher Priest Breakdowns by Larry Hama Pencils by Joe Bennett Inks by Mark Morales Colours by Reviewed by Lorna Maltman ( You might assume that, this issue being the…