Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Pencils: Carlo Barberi
Inks: Art Thibert
Colors: Protobunker
Letters: Rob Leigh

The boys are back in town for the Summer of Super! The Adventures of the Super Sons #1 thankfully picks up the tale of Robin and Superboy. In my opinion Damian Wayne (Robin) and Jon Kent (Superboy) are two of the more delightful DC creations of the last decade and what Tomasi and company have done with them over the last few years in Batman & Robin, Superman, and the first Super Sons series have been some of the best books DC has produced. I was saddened when it looked like Super Sons was done with issue #16 but excited when this Maxi-Series was announced and the first issue did not disappoint.
Adventures of the Super Sons #1 picks up where the previous series left off as Robin and Superboy are still working together with their father’s permission in their now repaired undersea clubhouse. With an opening scene of the Super Sons dealing with an animated Superman statue and a quick stop at school for the last day before summer break, which Jon designates the Summer of Super, this issue is just fun. It starts fun and that continues throughout the entire issue. The Adventures of the Super Sons has a youthful feel, with wonderful characterization by the author of note for both of these relative new additions to the DC universe. The story turns at the end, as a new threat appears, I wouldn’t say a giant threat but one that will no doubt impact our junior edition of the Worlds Finest. I wanted more as soon as I closed the book and look forward to see where Tomasi take Robin and Superboy.

Adventures of the Super Sons #1 is set firmly in between the last issue of the Super Sons and the Superman Special #1 that ended the Tomasi/Gleason run before the Bendis takeover. So sadly this issue doesn’t fore shadow where Jon ends up within that series and that he is assured to return but then again it doesn’t need to answer that question. Just be happy that Peter Tomasi has been given twelve more issues to tell the stories of the Super Sons since this lighthearted book is a wonderful super hero story. Joining Tomasi on art is Carlos Barberi, who took over the previous series after the departure of Jorge Jimenez. Barberi’s artwork has a hyper kinetic feel with a bit of a manga influence, which is perfect for this series. If this issue is a sign then this Maxi-Series is going to be one great year long adventure.
Verdict:the Super Sons have a new lease on life with the Adventures of the Super Sons and if issue #1 is any indication this is going to be a great Maxi-Series and a fun read.