PodcastTalking GamesVideo Games

The Ladies Love Yoshi | Talking Games Episode #179

The Ladies Love Yoshi | Talking Games Episode #179

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Welcome to 2018! Sam, Kelsey & Matt ring in the New Year talking about resolutions and rememberlutions! We’re trying to get caught up for GOTY with talk of Zelda, Mario, Horizon Zero Dawn & Assassin’s Creed Origins! And we take a look at the new games we are most excited for in 2018.

* Mineko’s Night Market is the game Sam couldn’t spell
** After we finished recording, Matt stated a retraction: Alex Tribek is currently married.
*** For real, tweet at us if you have a good Cyndi Lauper/Horizon Zero Dawn pun

           TALKING GAMES PODCAST SHOW NOTES                                     


Bobby Shortle

Huw Parry

Justin Townson

Kelsey Hlavaty

Matt Wood

Sam Suvak



Bobby Shortle – Angelus104

Justin – Worstninjaever

Huw- huwpaz

Kelsey- khlava13

Sam – Gizmoto_16


Bobby Shortle – Angelus104

Justin – Joroak

Steam –

Bobby Shortle – Angelus104

Justin – Joroak

Social Media and Contact Information


Talking Games on Facebook

Email us at Games@talkingcomicbooks.com

Twitch – TalkingGames

Justin: @joroak

Bobby: @bobbyshortle

Kelsey: @Kelssamus

Huw: @H_paz

Matt: @Johnnymattwood

Sam @sksuvak


 Please consider leaving us a review on iTunes, it is really helpful to us in reaching a wider audience, as well as boosting our already inflated egos.  We would like to say a big thank you to those of you who already have.  Also thank you to every person who has listened to our show, you are giving us a valid excuse to play and talk about video games, it is a passion we all share!

Until next time,

Bobby, Huw, Kelsey, Matt, Sam and Justin

I'm a 36 year old, video game playing, Springsteen loving, Star Wars obsessed dude from Cardiff, Wales.

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