ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Action Comics #987 Review

Action Comics #987 Review

Written by Dan Jurgens

Pencils by Viktor Bogdanovic

Inks by Jonathon Glapion, Jay Leiston and Viktor Bogdanovic

Colours by Mike Spicer

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

This is it, this is the issue where we finally find out the identity of Mr Oz, and after a whole year of build-up and this whole issue leading to an end reveal, the moment does not fall flat.

This issue starts out with Metallo conversing and pleading with Mr Oz for his help  Jurgens uses this to set up the perspective of Oz, which will be revealed in the rest of the issue, but also establish his morals quickly and effectively. We then cut to Superman doing what he does best, saving the day and then returning to the Daily Planet. What the rest of this issue does, and does fantastically well, is examine humans as a whole and our psyche. Jurgens uses a lot of exposition here, but it never bogs down the comic but instead builds up character motivations, digging into the human condition and asking the question of where Superman fits in all of this. Jurgens handles some controversial issues with grace and finesse whilst not impeding the greater story.

Viktor Bogdanovic is ( in my opinion) one of the best artists working at DC currently, and it looks like DC agreed, as he moved from pencilling New Superman to the leading man himself. Bogdanovic’s cartooning is reminiscent of Gleason’s style with a great expressiveness in motion and faces, that makes the narrative and exposition heavy issue that this is a complete joy to read.


BUY.  You don’t have to be someone who has closely followed Rebirth to enjoy this comic, but if you have been following then you definitely should go for it – the reveal is great but everything surrounding it by Jurgens and Bogdanovic gives me confidence that this event is not just a shock reveal, but something to pick up and enjoy.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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