ComicsFeaturedLegendary RunsPodcast

Legendary Runs Episode 26 Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata’s Death Note

A guy finds a notebook and discovers that if he writes down someone’s name, they die. Simple premise, complicated execution (no pun intended). Guess what? It’s a masterpiece. We’re not the first people to notice this either. Death Note might be the most internationally well-received comic that we have read on this show. Millions of people in hundreds of countries have read this thing in the 13 years of its existence. Be sure to mark down Legendary Runs in your day book, just umm be careful you don’t mix it up with something else.


Make sure to check in next time when we discuss Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez Walta’s Vision!

You can listen to our episode here!

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Friday (1-27-17) Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez Walta’s The Vision (Vision 1-12)

Friday (2-10-17) Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams’ Green Lantern and Green Arrow (Green Lantern 76-87, 89, The Flash 217-219)

Friday (2-24-17) Dan Slott’s She Hulk (She Hulk 1-12, 1-21)

Friday (3-10-17) Grant Morrison’s Seven Soldiers (Seven Soldiers 0-1, Manhattan Guardian 1-4, Shining Knight 1-4, Klarion the Whitch Boy 1-4, Zatanna 1-4, Mister Miracle 1-4, Bulleteer 1-4, Frankenstein 1-4)

Friday (3-24-17) Kelly Sue DeConnick’s Captain Marvel (Avenging Spider-Man 9-10, Captain Marvel 1-16, Avengers The Enemy Within 1, Avengers Assemble 16-17, Captain Marvel 1-15, Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps)

Intro Song: “Everyday I Write the Book” by Elvis Costello

Reach out to us:
Twitter- @legendarypod, @johnnymattwood, @megamaramon



Matt Wood is a high school English teacher in North Arkansas. His classroom is littered with comic book posters and notes about Hawthorne that are as difficult to decipher as they are to be interested in. Not Matt's fault though, Nathaniel Hawthorne…

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