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The TALKING COMICS Pull List – July 20th, 2016


Every Wednesday, the Talking Comics collective will post a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. With the wide range of personal tastes on our staff here, you know there’s bound to be something worth sampling come New Comic Book Day!!!

Then, check back here on Sunday to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!!


This week’s contributors:

And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)

New Comic Book Day – July 20th, 2016



Archie Comics
Betty & Veronica #1

Betty & Veronica #1 – By Adam Hughes

  • Betty and Veronica was one of my favorite comics growing up. I had always appreciated their take on Riverdale much more than Archie’s and his boys. I am so excited to see how these two long time frenemies will interact as, so far in the Archie comic, they have yet to really communicate. I’ve been loving what’s been done so far in the Archie universe, so I cannot wait to pick this one up!! -Kelsey


Batgirl and the Birds of Prey REBIRTH #1 – By Julie Benson & Claire Roe 

DC Comics
Batgirl & the Birds of Prey: REBIRTH
  • It’s been far too long since we have had a Birds of Prey title to get excited about, and hopefully this one is worthy of the legacy that comes with the title. I remain optimistic that this one will nail the characters and the team dynamic but have some reservations about the argumentative nature of the plot in this first arc. Still, it’s a book to look out for this week for sure. –John D.
  • There were a handful of books from the Rebirth titles that I looked at and thought to myself ‘damn, I REALLY hope they nail that.’ I’m not going into this hoping for Gail Simone v2.0 as that really wouldn’t be fair, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t hope that this book sells big and becomes a flagship title. Badass females FTW! – Huw
  • YES BATGIRL! SUPER HYPED. BRING ME MORE BIRDS OF PREY. (Although I agree with John that the plot seems a little iffy to me) BUT BADASS WOMAN YES! – Kelsey
  • Fingers crossed, toes crossed–Please be good!!–Bob
  • I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” – Han Solo and Mara

Justice League #1 – By Bryan Hitch & Tony S. Daniel

I’m taking a chance on this one, Hitch is a writer who blows hot and cold for me. When I like him, I really like him, but there’s other times when his work just seems rather middling and doesn’t do much for me. As a rule, I always try out JL books when a new volume starts as I love it when the big-time DC hero team-up get good stories to tell. Also, you can guarantee that this book’ll be gorgeous to look at, I’m a big fan of Tony S. Daniel’s work.- Huw


Snotgirl #1 – By Bryan Lee O’Malley & Leslie Hung

Image Comics
Snotgirl #1
  • A comic about a social media darling who also happens to have really bad allergies? If it wasn’t coming from Bryan Lee O’Malley (of Scott Pilgrim and Seconds fame) and Image Comics, it might not be something I would want to check out, but with that pedigree I might need to take a look. Leslie Hung’s art is pretty striking, so to see how she applies this wacky premise to her sort of painterly beautiful style should be a heck of a lot of fun. –John D.
  • I get a giddy when there is a comic that’s not superheroes, fantasy, or science fiction. I can’t wait to see how the team tells the story. – Mara


Star Wars #21 – By Jason Aaron & Jorge Molina 

Marvel Comics
Star Wars #21
  • NEW ARC! WITH ELITE STORMTROOPERS. Maybe they can hit their target. – Mara

All-New Wolverine #10 – By Tom Taylor & Ig Guara, Victor Olazaba, and Bob Wiacek

  • Since it seems that Laura’s adventures as the All-New Wolverine will be coming to an end during Marvel’s next relaunch, I need to take these last precious months to tell you how great this series has been so far. Tom Taylor has made the seemingly publicity stunt of “let’s make Wolverine female!” into something really special. This month’s issue seems to be a team-up between Laura and her father, Old Man Logan, as well as a Civil War II tie-in. Considering the last few issues have threatened being tie-ins, I have to imagine this one will have very little to do with the event, which is good because this is a title that can stand all on its own. –John D.


Valiant Comics
Faith #1

Faith #1 – By Jody Houser & Pere Perez

  • Faith #1 is a hotly anticipated new series from Valiant. The mini-series just ended and was a great new addition to the Valiant universe. The mini-series was one the “fun” books over at Valiant. Although the story did tie in to bigger events in the Valiant universe, new readers wouldn’t have known that. (That was a big plus!) Something for the veteran Valiant readers, but nothing to scare off new readers. Jody Houser is still on board for new on-going, so it is probably safe to assume the book is in safe hands, and tone of the series will likely remain unchanged. Pere Perez has established himself as a staple of the Valiant universe, and I’m looking forward to seeing his contribution in the Faith ongoing. – Adam


And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!


Joey Braccino took his BA in English and turned it into an Ed.M. in English Education. Currently, he brings comics back in a big way all day every day to the classroom. In addition to proselytizing the good word of comics to this nation’s under-aged…

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