
“Winter Is Coming” So is Season 6!

Things are ramping up for the return of the HBO mega hit show “Game Of Thrones“, based on the novels in the series “A Song Of Ice & Fire” written by George R. R. Martin, and I for one am more exited than Hot Pie in an Inn on the King’s Road baking Dire Wolf shaped bread! Season Six promises something that hasn’t happened before on the show.  For the first time, the show has pulled past the books it’s based on, overtaking it’s source material. This means the upcoming season will  be navigating NEW territory.  For the book readers, season six will be like ranging beyond the wall as a Night’s Watchman!ustv-game-of-thrones-s05e10-still-02

Up until now, the fans of the books have had a head start or an inside track on things as far as knowing what may or may not happen.  The show doesn’t follow the books word for word, but more so as a road map plotting the direction the series takes.  Author G.R.R.M.(or Grrm, as fans so affectionately call him) hasn’t produced the 6th novel in the series yet entitled “The Winds Of Winter“, so the show will undoubtedly have to ad lib a bit to buy G.R.R.M. time to catch up.  Martin has tweeted to his fans on Twitter, and apologized for the delay, expressing remorse for not meeting the deadline to have the book out by start of the upcoming season.  He’s also sworn that he understands the fans eagerness and is feverishly working on finishing the next book soon. One good thing about the delay is that it dampens the bickering between two camps that have formed since the show aired back in April 2011.  The book readers and the show watchers have feuded like the Night’s Watch and the Wildlings over the past five years, each wanting the show to include or cut out certain aspects of the book.  With the show and book at the same place, neither group has a reason to boast their sides right to being the correct side._1434397195

As for the show, the saga continues, and as the Starks love to say…”Winter is coming…“.  After last season’s finale, we were left with more questions than there are Unsullied Soldiers.  What’s in store for us this season, well here’s a list of the Top Ten Plot Points from last season and where they left off…



  • 10. Sam & Gilly… Sam and Gilly were off to see Sam begin studying to become a Measter with little Sam in tow.
  • 9. Jaime and Bron… The Kingslayer and Bron were sailing back to Kings Landing from Dorne with Myrcella who mysteriously started bleeding from the nose and passed out seeming to be poisoned by Oberyn’s Para more and the Sand Snakes.
  • 8. Bran and the 3 eyed Crow… What’s to become of Bran now that he’s finally made it to his destination and met with the Spirit Of The First Men.
  • 7. Sansa and Wreak… Now that Wreak remember’s he’s Theon and has seemingly helped Sansa escape Winterfell, what happens next with them on the run and Winter upon them.
  • 6. Dani and Drogon… Drogon has saved the Khaleesi from the Son’s Of The Harpy, and passed out leaving Dani to wander off, only to be found by another Dothraki Horde.
  • 5. Littlefinger’s Plot… What is Lord Petr Baylish up too, why is he meeting with everyone from the Lords of the Vale, to Lady Ollena, to The Boltons at Winterfell, to Cersei Lannister.
  • 4. Tyrion in Myreen… The Imp has been left in charge of a city overrun by upstarts that want to see nothing more than the fall of the new Queen’s regime and a return to the old ways.
  • 3. Arya and the Faceless Men… Arya taking a death into her own hands without getting the okay from Jaquin Hagar, was left losing her sight as a result.
  • 2. Cersei Lannister… Cersei’s release from imprisonment at the hands of the Faith Militant, and public “shaming” will no doubt have repercussions as she now has a zombified “Mountain” at her disposal.
  • 1. The Fate of Jon Snow…when last we saw him, betrayed by his brethren of the Night’s Watch for helping the “Free Folk” escape the White Walkers, lay in the snow after being stabbed multiple times and left to die.

The good folks over at HBO have released the first promo’s for this season of Game Of Thrones.  There isn’t any real show footage, just flags from certain houses(worn and tattered insinuating ominous things to come) accompanied by voice overs telling a little about what will be a great season…here are the promos, enjoy and get ready for the return of HBO’s Game Of Thrones this Spring!


Mild mannered Industrial worker by day, Graphic Artist/Designer/Writer the rest of the time. Self professed Nerd/Geek and lover of all that is comics.

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