Year: 2014

Olympia #1 Review

Writers: Tony Pires & Curt Pires Artist: Alex Diotto Colors: Dee Cunniffe Letters: Micah Myers Design: Ryan Ferrier Olympia #1 is described as a must have for any fan of Jack Kirby and Steven Spielberg. It was this…

Fallen Angels #1 Review

Fallen Angels #1  Written by Bryan Hill Drawn by Szymon Kurdranski Colored by Frank D'Armarta Lettered by Joe Sabino Review by KrisK Peace cages predators; soldiers need a war. The central tenet of the X-men…

X-Men #2 Review

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Pencils: Leinil Francis Yu Inks: Gerry Alanguilan Colors: Sunny Gho Letters: VC’s Clayton Cowles Design: Tom Muller One of the most intriguing aspects of the entire Jonathan Hickman reboot of…

Excalibur #1 Review

Excalibur #1 Review Written by Tini Howard Art by Marcus To Colours by Erick Arciniega Letters by VC’s Cory Petit Reviewed by Lorna Maltman ( When the line-up of Excalibur was announced I was curious as…