
Talking Movies Episode 41: L.A. Confidential

Talking Movies Episode 41: L.A. Confidential Podcast

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Brian and Chris are back with Meghan in tow for the most anticipated show of the year!

Not really.

But they do cap off the murder mystery series with one of Brian’s all-time favorite’s, L.A. Confidential. While getting sentimental about saying goodbye and not quite knowing how to end a show, the crew launches into an analysis of one of the great film noirs of the modern era.

As always you can contact the show at @MoviesTalking on Twitter or at


Brian can be reached at @BrianVerderosa on Twitter.

Chris can be reached at @OllieTwist36 on Twitter.

Meghan can be reached at @MeghanBard on Twitter.


Thank you for listening to our L.A. Confidential podcast!




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