
Thor: God of Thunder #25 Review

Thor: God of Thunder #25

Writer – Jason Aaron

“The 13th Son of a 13th Son” Artists – RM Guera & Giulia Brusco

“Blood And Ice” Artist – Simon Bisley

“Unworthy” Artists – Esad Ribic & Ive Svorcina

Letterer – Joe Sabino 

Review by Joey Braccino



Jason Aaron’s epic first volume of Thor: God of Thunder reaches its conclusion in grandiose fashion with an over-sized, aeons-spanning finale!!! The most fascinating element of Aaron’s run on Thor has been the fascinating interplay between the various iterations of the titular character: Young Thor, Thor, and King Thor. Over the course of the series, these three distinct versions of the Odinson have operated separately in their own time periods—Young Thor’s adventures with the Vikings, Thor’s recent battle against the Roxxon Corporation, King Thor’s interactions with his granddaughters—as well as battled alongside each other against the Godbutcher. But through it all, Aaron has constantly mined his themes of worthiness and heroism across the lifespan of the God of Thunder. As such, Thor: God of Thunder has been one of the most invigorating, consistent, epic runs on the character in a long time.

After the nuanced, action-packed, acclaimed “Last Days of Midgard” arc, Jason Aaron shifts the book to a more mythical tone for this final issue. The Girls of Thunder—Frigg, Ellisiv, and Atli—are studying in the library of future Asgard as per the directives of their grandfather, King Thor. These beautiful scenes serve as the framing device with which Aaron tells the three vignettes of the final issue. The first scene is an origin story for Malekith the Accursed, the second is a riotous Young Thor & the Vikings adventure, and the final sequence sets up the upcoming Thor series that famously features a female version of the title character. Throughout, Aaron maintains his pitch-perfect heighted language, capturing the epic with both intense sincerity and deft humour (I mean, “Lady Mazerot of the Black Bile Clan”… c’mon!). There is something incredibly impressive about Aaron’s ability to capture both the seriousness and the ridiculousness of mythological language and storytelling, and it makes for an enjoyable, engaging read throughout.

“The 13th Son of a 13th Son” is the Malekith origin story, and it is at once brutal and terrifying. Origin stories for villains can sometimes violate some of what makes them intriguing in the first place, but Aaron carefully maneuvers Malekith from sympathetic abandoned child to a morally bankrupt, power-hungry warmonger such that his ultimate villainy isn’t doubted by story’s end. RM Guera and Giulia Brusco previously worked with Jason Aaron on the acclaimed Vertigo series Scalped, and their gritty, grimy aesthetic is perfect for the brutality of this segment.

“Blood and Ice” is a more traditional Thor legend, with Young Thor teaming up with the Vikings to fight back the Frost Giants. The painted artwork from Simon Bisley feels rustic and real, particularly when juxtaposed with the surrealism of the Frost Giant’s appearance.

The two stories ultimately weave together to inform the final segment, “Unworthy,” as elements from each appear to play a major role in the upcoming new series. The last story is more of an epilogue for the series as a whole, as the epic double-page spread teases some of the characters that will appear in the next volume.

Esad Ribic and Ive Svorcina handle art duties for the framing scenes in the library and the final sequence, entitled “Unworthy.” Ribic and Svorcina’s artwork throughout the past 24 issues on interiors and covers has truly established the epic tenor of the series from the get-go, and much of Thor: God of Thunder’s success can be attributed to the consistency of this art team! Kudos!


Buy. Thor: God of Thunder has been one of the coolest and engaging reads on the stands from Marvel. Jason Aaron’s grasp of the mythic and the epic has propelled this series to the cosmos and across time, while his uncanny blend of humor and characterization makes for an intimate study of heroism. The artwork for the series has been spectacular throughout, and this final issue is no exception. Check it! And check back in in a month for THOR #1!!!!

Joey Braccino took his BA in English and turned it into an Ed.M. in English Education. Currently, he brings comics back in a big way all day every day to the classroom. In addition to proselytizing the good word of comics to this nation’s under-aged…

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