
Help Out Talking Comics

Ignore what the featured image says… we want you all, but we also need you right now. As you might know, we’ve been looking to start a Podfund to help make the site and the podcast even better. That means better equipment for all of us and better sound quality for all of you. We’ve been trying to launch it for quite some time now but unfortunately it’ll still be a little while longer.

That’s not why I’ve called you all to arms, so to speak.

We’re Talking Comics: the Talking Comics Podcast, @talkingcomics on Twitter, /talkingcomics on Facebook, pretty well everywhere except for our web domain where we’re talkingcomicbooks.com (as you may have noticed).

The domain talkingcomics.com will be available shortly and we want it very badly. Unfortunately for us, the person holding the domain isn’t really willing to negotiate the price to something we could all afford out of our own pockets, even if we all pitch in. And this is where you come in… we need your help to raise the money. We have two weeks from today to raise $1100 to buy the domain from the previous owner.

I know it may seem like a lot of money for a silly domain, but here’s the thing: the simpler domain drives traffic to us and helps bring people directly to the site. It’ll help us become a better brand and we all believe that it’ll help the site grow, especially when two prominent sites have recently set up shop as Talking Comics vlogs and podcasts, respectively.

We’re not asking for a lot, just $1 from each of you or whatever you might be able to spare. We don’t have any rewards set up for this since it would take too long to put together a big fundraiser and we just simply don’t have the time, but we will find a way to thank you for your efforts and we will try our best to continue making Talking Comics a place you can come for all your geek needs.

Please click the PayPal link below if you think you can help us out:

Stephanie is [obviously] a comic book fan, but she also considers herself an avid gamer, movie watcher, lover of music, board games fan (although she doesn’t find nearly enough time for them…) and being snarky. Oh, and Twitter. Twitter’s a hobby, right?…

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