ColumnsDear Shenani-GirlFeatured

Dear Shenani-Girl: X-Men Overkill

Dear Shenani-Girl,

Why the hell is Marvel printing so many issues of a comic, like All New X-Men? This kills me as it keeps me from buying several other of their comics, like Thor or Captain America, because I am not going to stop getting my Green Lantern or my indie comics. I even wrote a letter as a reader to Marvel along with which of their comics I have taken off of my pull lists and which ones I am considering taking off my pull list because there are too many issues.

I think that this is bad policy as it stops me from branching out into other comics they print out of fear of them printing several issues. Argh.

-Christian Støa



Thanks for writing in again! I agree with you… to me, this is a bad move on Marvel’s part. It would be one thing if each and every X-Men and Avengers book had a different team, but there’s overlap in some of the teams and people who show up and the continuity gets a bit confusing. I find it hard to remember which book I actually read as the weeks go on and the fact that they come out twice a month makes it even HARDER.

Plus it’s a little crappy that some characters that could really hold up their own books don’t get a chance because Marvel is too busy flaunting 15 X-Teams.

The bottom line is this: they keep making a zillion X-Men and Avengers books because we as consumers keep buying them. Until consumers start putting their foot down on all of this, we’ll keep getting these titles over and over again. Sad, but true.

In the meantime, if you don’t want this sort of thing to keep happening, support other Marvel books with original ideas and good writing like Hawkeye and Captain Marvel. Then maybe upper management will take a hint.

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Stephanie is [obviously] a comic book fan, but she also considers herself an avid gamer, movie watcher, lover of music, board games fan (although she doesn’t find nearly enough time for them…) and being snarky. Oh, and Twitter. Twitter’s a hobby, right?…

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