
The Cosplay of New York City Comic Con 2012: Part Three

The Cosplay of New York City Comic Con 2012: Part Three

All photos taken by Steve Seigh

Words also written by Steve Seigh

This weekend at New York City Comic Con 2012, I had the distinct honor of meeting some of the most creative, talented, and proud individuals the Cosplaying community of the world has to offer. Scoffed at by the residents of New York City as they walk the city streets toward the Jacob Javitz Center these outgoing and passionate costumed heroes marched with their heads held high, ready to show themselves off to over 100,00 others  who would accept them without question.

During the germ infested gauntlet that is New York City Comic Con many of these fine people allowed me to take their photograph and even give me a little insight as to how they created their costumes. It was truly an enjoyable experience and I would endure any amount of Con Cooties to do it again. It was truly my favorite aspect of the Con. As someone who was once thinking of sending himself to Special-Effects and Makeup school this is one area of the Con where I feel completely at home and my hat is off to each and every last person who had the guts to strut their stuff these past few days.

So without further or due, Talking Comics presents to you some of the best Cosplay we could find over the weekend. Be aware that there will be more than one post regarding this topic as to allow you mobile people to not destroy your phones in frustration as the high-rez photos attempt to load. Cheers!

Be sure to check Part One of our awesome Cosplay Coverage for more great photos here!

Be sure to check Part Two of our awesome Cosplay Coverage for more great photos here!

The Cosplay of New York City Comic Con: Part Three

Be sure to check Part Two of our awesome Cosplay Coverage for more great photos here!

Be sure to check Part One of our awesome Cosplay Coverage for more great photos here!

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on Joblo.com, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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