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Review: O.M.A.C. #3

O.M.A.C. #3

Offensive Meetings, Antagonistic Communications

Written by Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen

Pencils by Keith Giffen

Inks by Scott Koblish

 Review by Bobby Shortle

My time with OMAC has been an interesting one. It went from solid yet underwhelming in issue one to over the top and fun in issue two and so I went into issue three with high expectations. Unfortunately, I think the goodwill built up my last month’s book is this month’s downfall.  OMAC #3 while has the same dynamic action and fun dialogue but I can’t help feeling that I may have all ready experienced everything OMAC has to offer.


First off it’s important to know that OMAC is disposable entertainment.  This may seem like criticism but I mean it in the best possible way. It pulls off with aplomb all the sci fi flim flam of a Kirby era comic book story but that strength is also a weakness. It feels like DiDio and Giffen are hitting all the story beats we would get in a classic Hulk story. This is a fun idea but it also allows the reader to see plot coming from miles away. I was never surprised in OMAC #3. It feels like a thousand other books you’ve read and with such a crowded comic landscape I don’t know if that can cut it.


Skip It – I’m a fan of the fun that is being aimed for and sometimes hit in OMAC but I don’t think it alway hits its mark.

Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at and talking…

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