Tag: nicola scott

Black Magick #16

Greg Rucka, writer Nicola Scott, artist Jodi Wynne, letters Chiara Arena, colors (assistant) Recap A lot happens in this book. The issue begins, The Mistress in white goes to confront Rowan, leaving her henchman at

Black Magic #15

Greg Rucka, writer Nicola Scott, artist Jodi Wynne, letters Chiara Arena, colors (assistant) Recap This issue builds on the story lines from the previous two issues. Rowan continues her pursuit of a relationship

Black Magick #14

Recap This issue continues the newest arc of this story titled Ascension I. In the previous issue, Rowan and her new partner, Nicky, hook up after Rowan has a run-in with a spirit which disorients and upsets her. Rowan is

True Brit: 2018

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls; welcome to True Brit, a look at comics based in Great Britain and / or written by British creators. As a British comics reader I sometimes worry that British books and comickers get…