Tag: violence

Sexcastle – Review

Sexcastle  A Graphic Novel by Kyle Starks Review by Joey Braccino STINKY: You ever hear the phrase ‘you brought a knife to a gun fight?’ SEXCASTLE: This is worse than that. You brought a YOU to a ME fight. Oh yeah. Sexcastle…

Rumble #1 Review

Rumble #1 John Arcudi & James Harren – Co-Creators Dave Stewart – Color Art Chris Eliopoulos – Letters Review by Joey Braccino “What is the full quantity of nothing?” Rumble #1 is one weird book, man. Page One – A hooded…

Three #1 Review

Three #1 Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Ryan Kelly Colorist: Jordie Bellaire Letters: Clayton Crowles Review by Joey Braccino With Three #1, Kieron Gillen hopes to explore the “real” history of Sparta. Gone are the chiseled…

Lazarus #2 Review

Lazarus #2 Review Writing: Greg Rucka Art: Michael Lark Review by Melissa Megan In this post apocalyptic world, a handful of families rule by wealth. The people who serve them are cared for and protected, those who do not…