Tag: tom king

Heroes in Crisis #9 Review

Writer: Tom King Artist: Clay Mann Colors: Tomeu Morey Letters: Clayton Cowles DC has an event problem. Doomsday Clock is painfully delayed, to the point that people are shocked when an issue finally reaches them.…

Batman #63 Review

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Colors: Jordie Bellaire Letters: Clayton Cowles The breaking of the Bat continues as another chapter of Tom King’s Magnum Opus continues. Batman #63 sees Batman living the life he hoped…

Batman #62 Review

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mitch Gerads Letters: Clayton Cowles Over sixty-two issues Tom King has slowly, bit by bit, been breaking the Batman. Batman #62 may be the point where King has finally succeeded where hundreds of…

Batman #58 Review

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Colors: Jordie Bellaire Letters: Clayton Cowles Batman #58 is not only an excellent first issue of the latest arc, the Tyrant Wing, but also affirmation that Tom King’s promised long-game…

Heroes in Crisis #2

Writer: Tom King Artists: Clay Mann & Travis Moore Colors: Tomeu Morey & Arif Prianto Letters: Clayton Cowles DC’s latest take on their Crisis motif, Heroes in Crisis, continues as the second issue reveals very little…