Tag: reviews

Green Arrow #31 Review

Green Arrow #31 Written by Jeff Lemire Art by Arndrea Sorrentino Colors by Marcelo Maiolo Letters by Rob Leigh Review by Mike Duke Here’s the thing about cliché: there’s a reason it’s cliché, and the reason is that it works.…

Black Science #6 Review

Black Science #6 Written by Rick Remender Art by Matteo Scalera Painted Art by Dean White Lettering by Rus Wooton Review by Mike Duke So I just went through the archives and it doesn't look like we at Talking Comics have…

Silver Surfer #2 Review

Silver Surfer #2 Storytellers Dan Slott and Michael Allred Color Art by Laura Allred Letters by VC's Clayton Cowles Review by Mike Duke It's getting harder and harder for me to refrain from making direct comparisons…