Tag: new 52

Lobo #1 Review

Lobo#1 Writer: Cullen Bunn Penciller: Reilly Brown Inker: Nelson DeCastro Colorist: Pete Pantazis Letterer: Travis Lanham Review by Nick Guerrera Lobo #1 starts the tale of an intergalactic bounty hunter who takes on a…

Batwing #34 Review

Batwing #34 Written by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti Art by Eduardo Pansica Reviewed by Sean Lamont Say what you will about DC's New 52 initiative, but they certainly did try some less-than-safe titles in their efforts…

Earth 2 #25 Review

Earth 2 #25 Written by Tom Taylor Art by Nicola Scott Reviewed by Sean Lamont It's summertime, and in the case of movies, that means explosive big-budget tentpole films are dominating the box office.  Widescreen action,…