Tag: image

VS #1 Review

Writer: Ivan Brandon Artist: Esad Ribic Colors: Nic Klein Letters: Aditya Bidikar GFX & Design: Tom Muller The easiest way for me to describe VS #1 is that it is a combination of Gladiator and the Hunger Games while also…

Ice Cream Man #1 Review

Ice Cream Man #1 Story by W. Maxwell Prince Art/Cover by Martin Morazzo, Chris O'Halloran Review by KrisK Image Comics has released Ice Cream Man#1, a new horror anthology from the minds of W. Maxwell Prince, Martin…

Days of Hate Issue #1

Ales Kot, writer Danijel Zezelj, drawn Jordie Bellaire, colors Aditya Bidikar, letters Tom Muller, design Reviewed by Tom Zimm Recap The issue begins with a pair of individuals as they review the evidence left…