Tag: comic books

Aliens: Dust to Dust #1 Review

Aliens: Dust to Dust #1 Writer/Artist: Gabriel Hardman Colorist: Rain Beredo Reviewer: KrisK Everyone's favorite zenomorphs have returned! Aliens: Dust to Dust #1  is the newest entry into Alien canon. This venture…

Dead Hand #1

The Dead Hand #1 Written by Kyle Higgins Drawn by Stephen Mooney Colored by Jordie Bellaire Lettered by Clayton Cowles Review by KrisK There is something wonderful about a good spy story. It's crisp and intelligent, but…

Snotgirl #10 Review

Snotgirl #10 Written by Bryan Lee O'Malley Art by Leslie Hung Review by KrisK Snot girl#10 is here! For those of you not following Snotgirl (written by O'Malley of Scott Pilgrim fame and drawn by Leslie Hung), its…