X-Men Gold #1 Review

Writer: Marc Guggenheim X-Men Gold #1 is a welcome, glorious, return to mediocre that comic X-fans have been begging for since 2012. It’s been a dark, macabre several years for homo superior. Under the misguided keystrokes of…

Royals #1 Review

Royals #1 Review Written by Al Ewing Art by Jonboy Meyers Colours by Ryan Kinnaird Letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (maltmanlorna@gmail.com) The Inhumans have had a rough time of it recently, with them…

The Circle #4 Review

The Circle #4 Review Written by Damon Clark Art and Colours by Alyzia Zherno Edited and Lettered by Zen Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (maltmanlorna@gmail.com) When I was sixteen, I had been studying for one of my history…

Green Arrow #20 Review

Writer: Benjamin Percy Artists: Eleonora Carlini & Mirka Andolfo Colors: Arif Prianto Letters: Nate Piekos Green Arrow #20 satisfyingly wraps up the Return of Roy Harper arc. Benjamin Percy does an excellent job of…