Batman #44 Review

Writer: Tom King Artists: Joelle Jones & Mikel Janin Colors: June Chung & Jordie Bellaire Letters: Clayton Cowles Batman #44 is a lovely little tale. As every bride to be knows picking out the perfect dress is vital…

Breathless #1 Review

Breathless #1 Review Written by Pat Shand Art by Renzo Rodriguez Colours by Mara Jayne Carpenter Letters by Jim Campbell Reviewed by Lorna Maltman ( Asthma sucks, at least that is what I have been told…

Avengers #687 Review

Writers: Mark Waid, Al Ewing, & Jim Zub Pencils: Paco Medina Inks: Juan Vlasco Colors: Jesus Aburtov & Federico Blee Letters: VC’s Cory Petit Avengers #687, part 13 of the No Surrender storyline, is a quiet issue that…