Cold Spots #1

Story by, Cullen Bunn Art & Design by, Mark Torres Letters by, Simon Bowland Recap The story begins, an older man feels chilly and checks the thermostat. He and his wife struggle with the loss of their boys take a…

West Coast Avengers #1 Review

West Coast Avengers #1 Review Written by Kelly Thompson Art by Stefano Caselli Colors by Triona Farrell Review  by KrisK Finally, the Avengers are back in Cali! 24 years ago, the Avengers closed shop on the West Coast,…

Action Comics #1002 Review

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Patrick Gleason Colors: Alejandro Sanchez Letters: Josh Reed Brian Michael Bendis’ dueling Superman titles continues this week with Action Comics #1002. Any reader of a Bendis book knows…