ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Review: Penguin: Pain and Prejudice #3

Penguin: Pain and Prejudice #3

Title: Blind Love

Written by Gregg Hurwitz

Art and Cover by Szymon Kudranski

Colors by John Kalisz

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

When the DC New 52 launched back in September, there was an overabundance of new books to gaze upon. But it was in between Batgirl, Superman, Catwoman, and too many Batman books that a man of the avian variety was waiting for his time to shine. Penguin: Pain and Prejudice has been a book that I’ve look forward to each month since the very first issue. Dark and gritty, this book takes a filthy look at The Penguin and really digs deep into the character. The Penguin has always been somewhat of a Casanova regardless of his bird-like deformities. In Pain and Prejudice #3 we get to watch the bird in action as he romances a blind woman, showcasing his more gentle side. Moving away from the habit of delving into his childhood issue #3 focuses much more on Penguin in his present state. With Batman always watching from the shadows we’re afforded the opportunity to watch what makes this mysterious villain of Gotham City tick.

Ever wish you knew why The Penguin always holds an umbrella? Pain and Prejudice is the perfect opportunity to explain many of the man’s quirks and trademark styles. The writing of Greg Hurwitz is spot on in capturing the feel of the seedy underbelly of Gotham and it’s patrons of the night. There’s a lot of emotion and dark intent happening within these pages. Szymon Kudranski lends his talent to the art of the book giving it a deeply gothic and shadowed feel. There is this one panel of Batman looking in on Penguin about halfway through the issue that is just chilling. The use of red against black from an almost washed out perspective highlights the level of foreboding that can come when using these colors to bring about a deep contrast. With only two more issues to go it will be interesting if the presentation of Penguin from sadistic child into bird-manhood comes full circle.



Penguin is not always the goofy umbrella toting quackabout you’ve written him off as. He just might surprise you, then kill your family just to watch you shatter inside.


Buy it. Like I said, I don’t see the pace of this slowing down with only two issues left. I have full confidence that it will finish nicely and in the end be worthy of your comic book shelves along with all of your other Batman brouhaha.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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