Year: 2017

The Watchmen Legacy

Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen may be the most important comic ever created. Not greatest or most beloved but rather important. I doubt this was the intent of the original comic nor on the forefront of these two now

Willow #1

Willow #1 Written by Mariko Tamaki Illustrated by Natacha Bustos Colored by Eleonora Bruni Lettered by Jodi Wynne Reviewed by KrisK Willow, in my humble opinion, stands over the cast of Buffy: The Vampire

Empyre #1 Review

Story: Al Ewing & Dan Slott Script: Al Ewing Artist: Valerio Schiti Colors: Marte Gracia Letters: VC’s Joe Caramagna For millennia the Kree and the Skrull have been at war; a war that dates back to their